
JaMIN Music Studio Seeks Your Support To Create An Alternative Pathway For Youth #JSSE #ILoveJamaica

Under the project name JaMIN, is a state-of-the-art music production studio and learning laboratory. It focuses on using Music and Entrepreneurship initiative to create an alternative pathway for young persons who would normally be engaged in Crime and Violence.

The long-term goal is to provide learners with certification to facilitate their matriculation to tertiary education in music-based disciplines.


Through the initiative of our Consul General in Miami, Mr. Oliver Mair, the Jamaica Social Stock Exchange (JSSE) is collaborating with the CEO/FOunder of the Florida Jerk Festival, Mr Damian Tater, who has agreed to assist in fund-raising for the JaMIN Music Entrepreneurship project by donating $1 from every ticket sold for the Florida Jerk Festival to be staged on Memorial Day, Mon May 30.

The intent behind the gesture is in keeping with Jamaica 60th celebrations in the Diaspora.

DONATE to assist the JaMIN Music Entrepreneurship Project, selected on the JSSE.  Purchase a ticket and come out on Memorial Day and "do good while having fun"!

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