Board Of Directors

JSSE Rewards

JSSE Rewards

Community involvement is an essential part of running a s


Government regulations can have a significant impact on J


Sustaining and growing donations is an essential part of


Social media has become an essential tool for Jamaican no


For Jamaican not-for-profit organizations, volunteers are


Jamaican not-for-profit organizations have a unique set o


The internet has opened up numerous opportunities for peo


Jamaica is a great destination for a Caribbean vacation b


Pitch competitions are events where entrepreneurs and sta

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JSSE Rewards is an online community dedicated to identifying content and opportunities that support the education, health, finance and business of Jamaicans, the Jamaican diaspora and those that love the Jamaican lifestyle.


To create a fair, efficient and transparent medium that enables long term sustainability of the Social Sector by facilitating increased access, social and economic inclusion and greater equity.